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Scheduling tasks

Scheduling tasks is a convenient way of continually updating the data warehouse and associated data mart(s). For instance, you could schedule a data warehouse task to run at 4:00 pm and then schedule a data mart task to run at 5:00 pm.

Note that as Compose does not provide a task-chaining option (i.e. run another task as soon as the current task completes), it may be better to schedule tasks using an external tool that supports this capability.

You can also use the command line interface (CLI) to run an task. For details, see Running tasks using the CLI.

  1. Click the Schedule toolbar button.
  2. In the <Name> Scheduler window, choose one of the following options from the Run Job drop-down list.

    • Once - to run the job once on a specific date and time.
    • Every - to run the job at set intervals.
    • Daily - to run the job every day at a specific time.
    • Weekly - to run the job on selected days at a specific time
    • Monthly - to run the job on the nth of every month at a specific time
    • Advanced - to use a Cron expression. For a description of allowed cron formats together with usage examples, see Cron format and examples .
  3. Set the scheduling parameters according to the selected scheduling option.
  4. Click OK to save your settings.

    The date and time the next instance is scheduled to run will appear in the Next Instance column.

  5. To disable a scheduled job, select the task and click the Edit Scheduling toolbar button. Then, select the Disable check box in the <Name> Scheduler window.
  6. To cancel a scheduled job for a task, select the task and click the Edit Scheduling toolbar button. Then, in the <Name> Scheduler window, click Delete.

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